Tag: National Roads Authority

NRA undertakes upgrades on Shedden Road
The National Roads Authority (NRA) and its subcontractor is currently undertaking upgrades to the pavement on Shedden Road in George Town between the Jacques Scott signal and the Eastern Avenue intersection.

NRA assessing damage
The National Roads Authority is currently working with the Royal Cayman Police Service and the various utility providers to assess and remediate damages caused by the earthquake on Tuesday, January 28.

Roadworks – Chrissie Tomlinson Roundabout
The National Roads Authority wishes to advise the public that expansion of the Chrissie Tomlinson roundabout to three lanes started earlier this week. The aim of the roadwork, which is expected to last six weeks, is to assist westbound traffic flow from Rex Crighton Boulevard and Shamrock Road to merge smoothly onto Hurley Merren Boulevard. […]

Island Heritage Roundabout lane closures
As part of the ongoing upgrades to the Island Heritage Roundabout (IHR) by the National Roads Authority, motorists are advised that it will be necessary to restrict traffic movements at the roundabout to northbound and southbound only beginning from Tuesday August 20th 2019 to Sunday August 25th 2019. This is to facilitate the paving of […]

Police officer organises waterfront clean-up
(CNS Local Life): Community police officers, together with staff from the National Roads Authority and the owner of a landscaping company, came together to clean an area by the waterfront that was of concern to members of the public. On Thursday, 8 August, the group cleaned the spot on North Church Street across from Bodden […]

Why is roundabout foliage such a mess?
I drive by the Hurley’s roundabout on a daily basis and I’ve noticed that it’s quite unkempt/overgrown with vegetation, and the TV monitors/screens haven’t worked in some time. Isn’t this roundabout still sponsored by DMS? If not, shouldn’t the NRA or another company maintain it better as the overgrowth does hinder adequate visibility? Auntie’s answer: […]

Who has right of way at roundabout by Hospital Road?
I would like to follow up on a recent post regarding three-way stops and in particular, that one at the junction of Hospital Road and Elgin Avenue. There are three-way stop signs on all sides but I don’t recall if there are give-way signs. If not, there should be. My question is, who IS supposed […]
Shamrock Road paving – eastbound lane
The National Roads Authority (NRA), along with its subcontractor, will be carrying out upgrades to the pavement along Shamrock Road’s eastbound lane. The work is scheduled for 11-12 and 15-16 July from 7a.m. to 4p.m. daily. Drivers are asked to keep watch for traffic diversions and to drive with caution to ensure their safety and that […]

Must NRA crews work during weekends?
Why does the NRA do roadwork on the weekends? A time when people are off of work and trying to do some errands or just to do something relaxing; seriously amazing. Auntie’s answer: With work on roads seemingly everywhere and never ending in Cayman, I understand your frustration about your weekend peace being disrupted. The […]
Road work notice
The National Roads Authority is advising all motorists to drive with caution and reduce speed in the vicinity of Cayman National Bank (CNB) Roundabout this weekend June 29th and 30th. Road Striping will be in carried out to install Pedestrian Crossings on Huldah Avenue, Elgin Avenue, and Thomas Russell Way sections of the Roundabout. Works are […]
NRA announces Island Heritage roundabout upgrade
The National Roads Authority (NRA) will be carrying out improvement works to the Island Heritage roundabout, on Esterley Tibbetts Highway. The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, 1 July 2019 and will last approximately two months. While the work is ongoing, traffic on the roundabout may be temporarily reduced to one lane and drivers […]

Why doesn’t the NRA publicise roadworks?
Why is it that the NRA hardly ever notifies the driving public BEFORE making changes along our roads? Recent examples are the THREE pedestrian crossings around the junction of Mary Street and North Church Street, pedestrian crossings on Walkers Road and South Sound road, lane restrictions by the CNB roundabout. The NRA appears to have […]
Elgin Ave traffic diversion
The National Roads Authority (NRA) along with its subcontractor Island Paving will be carrying out upgrades to the pavement at the small roundabout near NAPA as part of the larger Elgin Avenue & Crewe Road extension project. The small roundabout will require full closure on Sunday 16th June from 7am to 4pm in order to install a new pavement surface. […]

NRA to install pedestrian crossings
(CNS Local Life): The National Roads Authority (NRA) is getting ready to launch a pilot scheme for lighted pedestrian crossings to be installed along the CNB roundabout arteries, through the newly built extension, to the new roundabout at the intersection of Crewe Road and Printers Way (near Mango Tree Restaurant). The purpose of the scheme, […]

Why haven’t the NRA responded to my suggestions?
I have written to the NRA a couple of times through their feedback email address and on Facebook and have not received a response. I made a suggestion to possibly help the traffic issue leaving town and heading east in the evenings, which is getting increasingly worse. My suggestion was that from 4:30pm onwards add […]
Elgin Ave traffic diversion
The National Roads Authority (NRA) along with its subcontractors Island Paving (IPL) will be carrying out upgrades to the pavement on the west bound lane as part of the larger Elgin Avenue & Crewe Road Extension project. The traffic diversion is scheduled for Sunday 9 June from 7am to 4pm. Traffic heading west bound onto Dorcy Dr […]

Is King’s Sports Centre roundabout getting solar panels?
It is being rumoured that CUC intends to put up solar panels by the King’s Sports Centre roundabout. Any truth to this story? Auntie’s answer: Yes, the story is true. I asked a CUC official your question, who explained the solar panels are being installed on that roundabout as part of the redesign, which was […]

How to reduce traffic at start and end of Linford Pierson?
The work the NRA has done along the Linford Pierson Highways is great and has made a huge difference in the traffic jams along that stretch of road. But it doesn’t do anything to alleviate the bottleneck at each end – the roundabout at Kings Sports Centre and the mini-roundabout where the LPH meets Bobby […]