Recent Articles

Resources for people struggling to cope
If you are struggling to cope with the changes to your daily life brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are other options than drugs and alcohol. Find out what resources are available from the Department of Counselling Services, and how we can help you by calling 949-8789.

HMCIPS offers support to the elderly
Seniors in the Bodden Town area are receiving regular cooked breakfasts thanks to an initiative from Her Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS). A team of prisoners and staff from HMP Northward began preparing and delivering the meals on weekdays to support older persons from Tuesday, 7 April.

HSA clinics and pharmacy Easter holiday hours
The Health Services Authority (HSA) would like to advise the public of the following Easter holiday hours:

NPOs urged to protect against fraud related to COVID-19
The Registrar of Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) is advising charitable entities in the Cayman Islands to protect against fraudulent activities during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In particular, the Registrar is warning against falling victim to medical and false advertising scams, illicit investment opportunities, phishing schemes, and fundraisers for illegitimate NPOs.

RCIPS Business Centre Application Processing
The RCIPS wishes to advise the public that, beginning Monday, 6 April, The Business Centre will be closed to the public until further notice. The following changes to the application process for all service applications will also be implemented as of Monday, 6 April:

HSA Maternity allows for one accompanying mother during labour
(Updated): The HSA understands the importance of having a partner during the labouring process, and as we improve and augment staffing levels in coordination with the private sector, the temporary restriction on visitors to the Maternity will be lifted effective Monday April 6. Visitors will be limited to one person accompanying a patient during labour. Because […]

CBC Extensions and Visa Counter remains closed
The Customs & Border Control (CBC) Extensions and Visa office on Elgin Avenue remains closed until further notice. However, anyone who is no longer working for their employers, or their work permit has been cancelled, are strongly encouraged to take the necessary steps to leave the island once an opportunity presents itself. People wanting to […]

Statement on telemedicine from health insurers
In support of the ‘Stay Home Cayman’ directive, the approved health insurers are working with qualified health professionals to facilitate telemedicine consultations where necessary. Telemedicine consultations are subject to the Standard Health Insurance Fee (SHIF) reimbursement, based on the duration of the calls. Please check with your individual health insurer for clarification if needed.

Foster’s COVID rumours are false
Recently, a rumour has circulated that team members at Foster’s have tested positive for COVID-19 and are still working. This rumour is unsubstantiated and completely false.

Planning suspends all counter services
The Department of Planning, in the Ministry of Commerce, Planning and Infrastructure, wishes to advise the public that it has implemented proactive steps for business transactions to protect employees, customers and the broader community from possible transmission of the COVID-19.

CAL Sister Islands flights reduced to once-weekly
In accordance with the Cayman Islands Government’s ongoing measures to safeguard the Cayman Islands from the Coronavirus (COVID-19), commercial passenger flights between Grand Cayman and the Sister Islands have been reduced to one flight per week. These flights are restricted to essential travel only.

Cayman Food Bank needs urgent donations
With an increasing number of people struggling to keep up with basic needs, the Cayman Food Bank desperately needs food and cash donations to keep up with demand. The Food Bank said that continuing to deliver hot meals and groceries to those in need “is a partnership with the community and cannot be done effectively […]

OfReg’s operational changes in response to COVID-19
In an effort to protect the health, safety and well-being of our customers and staff from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) has activated its business continuity plan to continue to provide services to our stakeholders.

CAL ticket offices now closed due to curfew
Due to the national “Shelter In Place” soft curfew currently imposed by the Cayman Islands Government, all Cayman Airways Ticket Offices are temporarily closed until further notice. Customers are asked to make any new bookings online on the Cayman Airways website.